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Emergency Dentist — Auburn, ME

We Treat Dental Emergencies Fast

At Willow Run Dental Association, we understand that dental emergencies demand attention at a moment’s notice, not just when it is convenient. Whether you are experiencing severe facial trauma or a sudden pain within the mouth, our team is ready to accommodate you as soon as possible here in Auburn, ME. We will help you feel at ease, relieve any severe discomfort, and start working on a personalized treatment plan to address damage in the quickest timeframe possible. We treat dental emergencies fast, so do not wait – contact us today.

Why Choose Willow Run Dental Association for Emergency Dental Care?

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Do you know what to do if a dental emergency strikes? Having Willow Run Dental Association in your corner during these scary situations means that you simply have to follow these easy steps:

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

When a dental emergency occurs, it can be difficult not to panic. Whether it is you or your child who is hurting, finding the right solution to relieve the pain may not always be easy. At Willow Run Dental Association, you can feel confident knowing that our expert staff can walk you through every step while at home waiting to see a dentist. But even before you make that phone call, you might find that having a basic knowledge of how to handle common dental emergencies in Auburn can help when an injury occurs. Below, you will find some important information about the most common dental emergencies in Auburn.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Hand using calculator next to large tooth model

The cost of emergency dentistry in Auburn varies from case to case. It depends on several different factors, so we will not be able to provide a cost estimate until you come in for your examination. Do not let financial concerns hold you back from seeking care; delays only allow problems to get worse and become more expensive to treat. Our team will help you file insurance claims, and financing is available.

Every Dental Emergency Is Different

Happy patient reclining in chair after treatment by emergency dentist in Auburn

Just like each patient is unique, so is each patient’s oral health needs. Some dental emergencies require fairly basic and inexpensive treatment. For example, you might need something as simple as a small filling or prescription mouthwash. In other cases, more extensive (and higher-priced) care, such as root canal therapy or a crown, is necessary. If more than one treatment might be suitable for your situation, we will help you compare the pros, cons, and cost associated with all of your options. You can expect us to be candid with you about pricing and to respect your budget to the extent possible.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

Dental insurance form next to glasses, money, and X-Ray

Most dental insurance policies cover at least one emergency exam each year. Beyond the exam, your policy might cover as little as 50% of the cost of your treatment or as much as 80%, depending on the specifics of your plan and its annual maximum. Our team will be happy to help you understand your benefits and file your claims. Our goal is to help you get as much as possible out of your insurance while we provide top-notch care.

Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

Happy patient standing at dental office front desk, paying for treatment

In addition to being your dental insurance guide, we will do even more to help you afford your care. For example, we offer the Essential Dental Plan, a discount plan designed for patients without insurance. In exchange for a low fee, you can enjoy significantly lower prices on virtually all the services we offer, including those commonly used in emergency dentistry.

Financing is also available for most patients. We are partnered with CareCredit, a third-party company that offers low-interest and no-interest payment plans. If you are approved for financing, you may be able to choose from a range of plans according to what works best for your budget. If you need assistance with the application process, simply let us know, and we will do what we can for you.

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save You Money

Smiling dental patient attending appointment for preventive checkup

Taking steps to care for your smile now can do much to reduce your chances of having to visit an emergency dentist in Auburn and potentially save you thousands of dollars. For example, most dental insurance policies cover 100% of the cost of preventive care. Preventive cleanings and checkups allow us to stop many dental problems from forming, and it gives us the opportunity to identify existing problems before they become serious and lead to an emergency.

Also, keep in mind that if you ever believe something is amiss with your oral health, you should visit us as soon as possible. Delays only allow the problem to get worse. What starts out as being treatable with a simple filling may worsen into serious decay and require a root canal, which costs significantly more.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Woman smiling after visiting Auburn emergency dentist

Preventing accidents before they occur is always a good idea. Yes, it is reassuring to know that the professionals at Willow Run Dental Association will be there to provide immediate assistance. But if you want to be proactive about keeping your teeth and gums in good shape, maybe you should consider how to prevent a dental emergency in Auburn from the start.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits at Home

Man brushing his teeth to prevent dental emergencies in Auburn

Making sure you see your dentist every six months for a regular dental checkup and cleaning is an important part of preventive care. However, so is maintaining a good oral hygiene routine at home. This includes brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. You will also want to use fluoride toothpaste to combat tooth decay and strengthen tooth enamel. But do not forget to floss at least once a day to remove hidden bacteria and food particles from in-between your teeth.

Before completing your regime, you will also want to rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash, as this will flush out anything left behind that brushing and flossing missed. Keeping your mouth clean will serve to better protect it from damage and decay in the future.

Avoid Extremely Hard Foods & Objects

Businesswoman chewing on pencil headed for dental emergency in Auburn

Ice, hard candies, pens, and pencils are all damaging to your teeth. You may not think so as you mindlessly chew away on the wooden part of your pencil, but over time, you will notice your teeth wearing down. These bad habits can cause thinning of the tooth enamel, making you more susceptible to tooth decay, teeth sensitivity, damage, discoloration, and even infection. Instead of grabbing for your favorite pen or that glass of ice, opt for sugar-free chewing gum or a crunchy apple. Not only will this increase your saliva production to remove harmful bacteria, but it will keep you from damaging your teeth.

Protect Your Pearly Whites During Sports & Bedtime

Athlete wearing mouthguard to prevent dental emergencies in Auburn

Outdoor activities and sports can be a lot of fun but not if you slip and fall, resulting in a knocked-out tooth or busted lip. Before stepping out onto the field or going for your next run, make sure you are protecting your teeth and gums by wearing a mouthguard. Custom-made mouth protection by your dentist’s office guarantees a more comfortable fit than other one-size-fits-all mouthpieces.

But maybe it is not sports you need to worry about but instead, the grinding of your teeth at night. People who suffer from bruxism or teeth grinding can benefit from wearing a nightguard. This keeps teeth from coming into contact with each other as well as facial muscles from tensing up and causing pain.

Use Tools, Not Teeth to Open Packaging

Woman headed for a chipped tooth in Auburn

Teeth are not tools with which you open containers or packages. While you may be tempted to use them out of convenience, this simple, yet damaging act can cause excessive wear and tear to your teeth and potentially chip or crack a tooth in the process. It is best if you take the extra time to find scissors or another tool that can help to open whatever the item is that you need to retrieve.

Dental Emergency FAQs

Woman thinking, has questions about emergency dentistry in Auburn

Here at Willow Run Dental Association, we are always ready to serve as your emergency dentist in Auburn. To help you prepare for any unexpected situations that might pop up, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, along with succinct answers. Hopefully, what you find here will prove useful if you ever face an urgent oral health problem. If you would like further explanation on anything you read, feel free to give us a call — we look forward to speaking with you!

Will My Toothache Go Away on Its Own?

Teeth are a unique part of the human body in several respects, one of which is that they cannot heal themselves. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that your toothache will disappear without treatment. However, there are exceptions. For example, your pain might not be caused by the tooth itself, but rather, by something near the tooth, such as the gums or sinuses. The issue could possibly resolve on its own. A toothache could also disappear if the nerve inside the tooth dies, meaning it can no longer emit pain signals. That is not a good thing. The infection that caused the toothache to begin with could still be present. It could continue to spread and lead to further pain and complications later on.

How Should I Sleep with Tooth Pain?

There is no doubt that a toothache can make it difficult to get restful sleep. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Elevate your head. This prevents blood from rushing to the tooth and worsening your pain.
  • Take pain medications. Over the counter pain relievers can usually take the edge off of toothache discomfort.
  • Use a cold compress. It may reduce swelling and pain.
  • Be careful about what you eat before bed. Try not to snack on hot, cold, acidic, or hard foods right before you get ready to sleep.

Should I Visit the Emergency Room First for Dental Emergencies?

Unfortunately, most ERs do not have the equipment nor the training to properly handle a dental emergency in Auburn. In almost all situations that affect your oral health, you should visit a dentist first. However, there are some exceptions, including:

  • You believe your jaw is broken or dislocated.
  • You are bleeding uncontrollably.
  • You have a high fever, are having trouble breathing, or are experiencing any other life-threatening symptoms.

In the above-listed situations, you should certainly visit the ER or dial 911. Later, you can come to our practice for follow-up care.

My Chipped Tooth Does Not Hurt. Do I Still Need to Visit?

A chipped tooth may not seem like a big deal, but the damage to the tooth could easily worsen over time. Its interior may be extra vulnerable to infection. Plus, its jagged edges might irritate the soft tissues in your mouth. It is generally best to schedule a dental appointment within a day or two of chipping a tooth.

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