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5 Practical Tips for Jaw Surgery Recovery

July 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowrundental @ 8:44 pm
woman resting at home while recovering from jaw surgery

Orthognathic surgery, also commonly called jaw surgery, is a major procedure that can bring many benefits to patients. However, it does come with a significant recovery period. It is important that you take steps before and after your surgery to support your body’s healing process. Here are five practical tips for jaw surgery recovery that will help you to do just that.

Prepare your Meals Ahead of Time

You may not feel like cooking after your surgery, so taking time to prepare food for a few days prior to your appointment can be a huge help. Make sure that the foods you prepare are soft and nutritious. Things like smoothies and soups are excellent choices. Applesauce is also a good option. It is even okay if you decide to indulge in a little a little ice cream (be sure to choose varieties that do not have hard candies or nuts in them).

Get Enough Rest

You should plan to rest for at least a few days following your procedure. Ahead of time, you might check out some books from the library or make a list of movies and shows to watch while you are taking it easy. Your family members should understand that you will be resting and that they may need to temporarily take responsibility for the household chores that your normally take care of.

The exact amount of time that you need to rest will depend on your overall health and the extent of your surgery. When you start to become more active again, it is important that you are careful not to overexert yourself.

Stick to a Schedule

Even though you will be resting for a few days, a schedule can still be very useful and help you maintain a feeling of normalcy. It will also help you readjust more easily when you return to work. Your recovery schedule might include things like short walks outside, specified mealtimes, and family time.

Manage the Swelling

Some swelling after jaw surgery is normal. You can manage it by keeping your head elevated for at least the first 48 hours after you get home (extra pillows can help you do this). Also, applying ice at 20-minute intervals for the first few days can reduce swelling. After a couple of days, you can add heat into your routine to help soothe and relax your jaw.

Stay Hydrated

Even though you will be less active than normal during your recovery, staying hydrated remains as important as ever. It will help your body heal as quickly as possible. Keeping a water bottle nearby and monitoring your intake can aid you in maintaining proper hydration.

The above tips are some general guidelines for recovering from jaw surgery in Auburn. Your surgeon will give you additional, specific advice on how to care for yourself following your procedure so you get back to feeling 100 percent as soon as possible.

About the Author

Dr. Donald Gass is the on-staff oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Willow Run Dental Association. He has more than 30 years of experience and has performed jaw surgery on countless patients throughout his accomplished career. To learn more about him and the services he offers, contact our team at 207-783-0261.

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